English 2 Semester 1 Final

English 2 Semester 1 Final

In our world today there is a lot of diversity between different kinds of people. There are lots of diverse cultures and people that don’t get along or fight because of one being different than the other. An example of this being white people oppressing black people. Though the groups may have their reasons for fighting or oppressing. Another thing that causes diversity in our society is social injustice, social justice is discrimination that can be described as one group seeing them higher/better than another. In this blog post I will be talking about social injustice between the United States and the immigrants from the south. I will support my post with the books we have read, the Bible, and the movie Hotel Rwanda.

Lots of people treat immigrants like their horrible people, and dont belong in our country today. As we will see in my examples of Of Mice and Men and Hotel Rwanda we shouldn’t judge people or discriminate against them for being different in color, lifstyle, or beliefs. The Bible says in Matthew 7:1 “Do not judge, or you to will be judged.” It’s said straight forward, we should judge others unless we too would like to be judged. Also in James 4:11-12 “Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?” This verse really illistrates how we should treat others. It doesn’t matter if their of the same race or nationality, we must treat others how we wish to be treated. 

In the book Of Mice and Men, there is lots of examples of social injustice. As we read through the book we get to know to main characters, George and Lennie. These two characters have an odd relationship but it is a relationship and they stick together through some tough things in the book. Throughout the book their goal is to make enough money to be able to run their own ranch away from the other people who are always mean to lennie and oppress them. In the book lennie is discriminated against for being stupid and freakishly strong leading to lots of trouble for him. Lennie in the book says to George. “Maybe ever’body in the world is scared of each other.” (Of Mice and Men, 138). I see this quote showing how lennie really thinks and feels about the world and people around him. Lennie later accidentally kills a pretty woman and confessess to George because he trusts him. “I have done a bad thing.” (Of Mice and Men, 100). Lennie in this book is like the people in the south who aren’t bad people but because they’re different we dont treat them fair and see them as lower than us.

In the movie Hotel Rwanda there is a massive ammount of diversity and discrimination. The movie is about the Rwandan genocide that took place in 1994. This movie shows discrimination and diversity by showing us the fight between the two people, Hutu and Tutsi. These two tribes had a bad history of fighting and disliking each other and the Hutu people still held that grudge pretty badly. In the movie the two peoples end up going to war with each other; killing family’s, children, and the opposing tribes people. In the movie a man on the radio says, “It’s time to cut down all the tall trees, its time to exterminate the cockroaches…” the Hutu radio man says this to first initiate the war between the Hutu and Tutsi. What he says in the quote is so mean and discriminate, calling the Tutsi people cockroaches, and saying they need to be killed off. One of the hotels assistants Dube says to Paul the main character. “Why are people so cruel? Do they not know what they are doing?” Dube is a Tutsi, so he sees on the TV his people being slaughtered in the streets. People being dragged out of their homes and killed with a machete. This movie relates to my topic by the fighting between he US and the southern immigrants. The people are not our enemy but yet we still hold a grudge and do not let them into our country but instead lock them out.

I hope you have learned something from my blog post here and that we shouldn’t be oppressing these people and keeping them out of our country. Our government assumes that all these people are bad people but their not all bad people. They’re good hearted people and they deserve a chance to be in our country and have a fresh start. By discriminating against them we are turning them away. This is not what we should be doing to these people. I hope you have chosen to support to help these people unlike so many others who have not. Discrimination is wrong and we can do something about it just like Paul in Hotel Rwanda, the Apostles in the Bible, and George in Of Mice and Men. Thank you.

Works Cited

George, Terry, director. Hotel Rwanda. Sony Pictures, 2004.

Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. Penguin Books, 2017.

“BibleGateway.” James 4:11-12 – – Bible Gateway, Bible Gateway Blog, www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%2B4%3A11-12&version=ESV.

“BibleGateway.” Matthew 7:1 NIV – – Bible Gateway, Bible Gateway Blog, www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2B7%3A1&version=ESV.



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