Dylan Steider


Ms. Snyder

English 2


    Abortion is a serious problem in our world and our society today. People in our society have multiple beliefs on what we should do about abortion. There are three sides; Pro-Abortionist, Pro-Choice, and Pro-Life. These are prevalent in our society today.

    These three topics are topics I will go over are huge topics in our society today. First Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice is a belief of abortion where they don’t really oppose of the idea but do think there’s is a slight wrong to the fact that it is killing a child. “The Pro-Choice/Pro-Life ratio is 54%/46%” (“A Life and Choice Matter.” Pro-life News). Pro-Life is where people believe that abortion is wrong for a multiple amount of reasons. Some of these reasons are, abortion is killing a human infant not yet born but still alive. Another being ending a humans life being without a say for that child’s life. Lastly Pro-Abortion, this when people are in favor of ending a pregnancy by killing the child inside them. Sometimes people refer to Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion as the same thing.

    This is a huge moral issue in our society today because of the back and forth argumentation between whether abortion is right or wrong well first i’ll talk a bit about both. Then go into which side i believe in as a Christian. Pro-abortion/choice and Pro-life are two sides of the fence in this moral debate. Pro-abortion is at this moment “54% over 46%, it’s seen by more than half of society as a okay thing to do…” (“A Life and Choice Matter.” Pro-life News). Aborting a baby is, in Webster Dictionary’s words. “The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.” (Webster’s Dictionary). Abortion is used when a woman who is pregnant doesn’t not wish to have the baby. So, they see a special doctor to get a operation to kill the baby inside and flush it out. Here’s a quote on why most people see abortion as a ok thing to do in our society. “Against abortion? Don’t have one.”(—Anonymous). This quote is from a news article that talked to people just like you and me but were for abortion this was a statement that struck me as eye opening. In our country today, we do have freedom of choice which is what they’re inferring in this quote. I believe this quote is wrong it itself. Yes you have the freedom to choose to have an abortion just like every person does but that person growing inside you does not. Pro-Life, is a side for people against abortion, against killing innocent children who are defenseless in their mothers wombs. People who are Pro-Life are trying to save the lives of the babies who are being aborted by their mothers. “The right to life is the first among human rights.” (—Pope Francis). The right to life is a girl that every human should be given. When we abort those children. We’re simply stripping that right away from them.

    As a Christian I am Pro-Life. I believe that all human life is precious, and given to us as a gift from God. He gave us the gift of having children to create a future in this world. In Genesis 1:27 it says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”(English Standard Version Genesis 1:27). God created us perfect in his image. People are killing hundreds of thousands of babies through abortion per-year. “In 2012, 699,202 babies were lost to abortion.”(Induced Abortion in the United States). As Christians we should be fighting to abolish abortion. It’s inhumane. Killing a child, and taking the right of that child away can physically/emotionally harm the client getting the abortion. There is a Christian organization called Pro-Life Action Ministries (PLAM). They’re a organization that is trying to help people who are thinking of having an abortion and helping them see that they shouldn’t and that this baby that have is a gift to them. They offer women entering abortion facilities, real options of hope and love by ministering to them from out on the sidewalks. We can help people like the PLAM is by just being there outside the facilities and talking to the women who are thinking getting abortion. Just being there to talk to these women on the fence can end up changing their mind and saving the child’s life. Another Bible verse that I think fits with good Christian morals is Psalm 127:3, “Lo, sons are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”(English Standard Version Psalm 127:3). Children in our society are truly a reward. That’s why Pro-Life needs to be a big deal in our society today.

    Abortion is a serious problem in our world and our society today. There are multiple beliefs on this moral issue and we as Christians need to help out in our communities like Pro-Life Actions Ministries to help get rid of abortion in our society and the world.


Sources Used


“Induced Abortion in the United States.” Guttmacher Institute , Jan. 2017, www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-united-states. Accessed 30 September 2018.


Liptak, Adam. “Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Restrictions.” The New York Times , 27 June 2016, www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/us/supreme-court-texas-abortion.html. Accessed 30 September 2018.


“A Life and Choice Matter.” Economist . Economist Newspaper, 29 Apr. 2004. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.


“Abortion Facts.” Students for Life, studentsforlife.org/high-school/abortion-facts


ESV Lutheran Study Bible

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